Wednesday 8 August 2012

Almond Sugee Cake

Last weekend I decided to bake an almond sugee (samolina) cake. Could not sleep, got up at about 4.30am.......took all the ingredients from my fridge and started baking, after taking a cup of nescafe at about 5.30am. This cake takes some time to make because after creaming the butter and sugar the sugee is added to this mixture and let to soak for about 1 - 11/2 hours. I really like the taste of this cake as it has it's own flavour and aroma. My children love to eat this cake, butter orange cake, moist chocolate cake and cheese cake. I try to bake at least twice a month. Sometimes I take some for my colleagues as they love to savour my cakes not to say I'm good at baking them but rather because they love to eat home-made cakes. I like to make my own cakes because I can control the amount sugar....I usually cut down my input of sugar by 25%. As for the almonds, I add in some almond powder and almond nibs. Usually the almonds nibs are not roasted but I like it roasted a little for as you bite into a piece you get that crunchy taste of the almonds. Yummy Almond Sugee Cake!!!

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