Tuesday 23 October 2012

Vanilla Flan

            I visited my aunty the other day and she served me caramel custard which she bought from a famous coffee shop in Ipoh Town. It was tasty though but you somehow get a slight taste of the egg used in making this custard. So the other day I went to Wah Seng to get some baking supplies and I came across this Vanilla Flan Powder. I read the instuctions on the back of this container and was amazed that I can do this caramel custard by just adding this vanilla flan powder to the boiling milk and letting it set, habis cerita ........ no steaming or baking in the oven!
            So I bought this vanilla flan powder (vanilla flavoured flan mix) which comes in a 2 kg packaging in a bottle. I went back home and last Saturday made this wonderful caramel custard using the vanilla flan powder . Well, Flan is a Spanish name for Vanilla Egg Custard topped with caramel sauce. It is a Spanish dessert enjoyed in many Latin-American countries. I whipped up this recipe and guess what....just did it in 15 minutes.

Vanilla Flan
  • 1/2 cup sugar + 3 tbsp water (to make the caramel)
  • 125 gm vanilla flavoured flan mix
  • 1 liter fresh/full cream milk

  1. Heat sugar and water in small heavy-duty sucepan over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, for 2 to 3 minutes until dissolved and caramel coloured. Quickly pour onto bottom of moulds and swirl around the bottom and sides to coat.
  2. In a saucepan, bring milk to boil, then add in the vanilla flan powder little by little stirring constantly.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Pour into moulds coated with the caramel and chill in refrigerator till set.


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