Sunday 28 October 2012

Soya Bean Milk

            I love this drink - soya bean milk. My family enjoys this drink.  I do not like the ready made ones sold in bottles in restaurants and makan shops. I usually buy them from the random stalls as you can get fresh soya bean milk. Anyway nothing like making your own home-made soya bean milk. The main ingredients are soya beans, rock sugar and pandan leaves. You blend the soaked beans in a blender, strain the milk using a muslin bag/cheese cloth, boil the strained milk with pandan leaves and get soya bean milk!
            I recently bought a blender which comes with a special filter add-on to extract soya bean milk from the soaked beans. It has an inner filter where you place the beans and the pulp will be contained inside the filter whereas the milk will be filtered out through the tiny tiny holes. Using this blender is so convenient. No need of a muslin bag or siever. Home made soya bean milk is not diluted as the ones you buy and furthermore is so so much more rich and refreshing.

125 gm organic soya beans
1 liter water
rock sugar
pandan leaves

How to Make:
Soak the soya beans in water overnight
Place the beans a little at a time into the filter attached to the blender, add water till it covers the beans and  whizz it for at least a minute.

Pour the filtered milk into a container. Remove the pulp contained inside the filter.
Repeat the steps until all the beans have been blended.
Do it one more time with the collected pulp - this filtered milk will not be so thick.

Transfer the milk into a saucepan, add pandan leaves (tied into a knot) and bring to a  gentle simmer over medium-low heat for about 5 to 8 minutes, stirring with a ladle regularly.
Pour some into a glass, add rock sugar which has been dissolved in some hot water and enjoy this home-made organic soya bean milk!
This soya bean milk can be kept in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Vanilla Flan

            I visited my aunty the other day and she served me caramel custard which she bought from a famous coffee shop in Ipoh Town. It was tasty though but you somehow get a slight taste of the egg used in making this custard. So the other day I went to Wah Seng to get some baking supplies and I came across this Vanilla Flan Powder. I read the instuctions on the back of this container and was amazed that I can do this caramel custard by just adding this vanilla flan powder to the boiling milk and letting it set, habis cerita ........ no steaming or baking in the oven!
            So I bought this vanilla flan powder (vanilla flavoured flan mix) which comes in a 2 kg packaging in a bottle. I went back home and last Saturday made this wonderful caramel custard using the vanilla flan powder . Well, Flan is a Spanish name for Vanilla Egg Custard topped with caramel sauce. It is a Spanish dessert enjoyed in many Latin-American countries. I whipped up this recipe and guess what....just did it in 15 minutes.

Vanilla Flan
  • 1/2 cup sugar + 3 tbsp water (to make the caramel)
  • 125 gm vanilla flavoured flan mix
  • 1 liter fresh/full cream milk

  1. Heat sugar and water in small heavy-duty sucepan over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, for 2 to 3 minutes until dissolved and caramel coloured. Quickly pour onto bottom of moulds and swirl around the bottom and sides to coat.
  2. In a saucepan, bring milk to boil, then add in the vanilla flan powder little by little stirring constantly.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Pour into moulds coated with the caramel and chill in refrigerator till set.


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Agar-Agar Santan Gula Melaka (Palm Sugar Coconut Jelly)


 Attended a birthday dinner the other day and they served agar-agar gula melaka for dessert. I love this jelly as it has a white layer (combination of coconut milk and egg) atop this jelly. This jelly is indeed delicious as the sweet aroma and taste of the gula melaka (palm sugar) combined with the layer of coconut atop of the jelly really tingles one's tastebuds. We have to add a little sugar to this jelly as the palm sugar is not that sweet.....the colour varies from dark brown to a light golden colour. 
          Gula Melaka, otherwise known in English as Palm Sugar or (direct translation) 'Malacca Sugar' originated from Malacca (in Malay language - Melaka), one of the states in Malaysia. Palm Sugar is made from the sap of the flower bud of a coconut tree which then is boiled until thickened and packed into bamboo tubes forming it's cylindrical shape. When added to jelly it gives a rich dark caramel and buttterscotch flavor. 
          This dessert is my family's favorite.  I less the amount of sugar I use in this recipe as I don't like my desserts to be too sweet. Actually my MIL ticks be off if anything I cook is too sweet....hmm, healthy living, I guess! Sometimes it's good to have an experienced person around to advice us on certain matters...agree with me??? Now let's get to our recipe...........

Agar-Agar Santan Gula Melaka (Palm Sugar Coconut Jelly)

  • 10 gm jelly powder
  • 1 packet gula melaka (gula gabung)~ 110 gm
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pandan leaf (screwpine leaf)
  • 125 ml coconut milk undiluted (from 1/2 coconut)
  • 800 ml water
  • a pinch of salt
  1.  Boil the water, then add the jelly powder and stir. After it as dissolved completely add in the pandan leaf which has been tied into a knot), sugar and gula melaka and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer (for about 2 mins) until all has completely dissolved.
  2. Strain the above mixture and return it to the stove and bring it to a rolling boil.
  3. In a bowl beat together coconut milk and egg together, then add a pinch of salt.
  4. Return the jelly mixture to the stove and bring it to a rolling boil and then turn off the heat completely. 
  5. Now add the coconut milk and egg mixture to the jelly mixture and give it a few stirs.
  6. Pour the jelly into a mould and leave it to set.
  7. When cool, chill it in the refrigerator. This jelly separates into 2 layers - a clear palm sugar layer and a coconut layer at the top.

Tuesday 9 October 2012



Last weekend I had time on my hands and so decided to make a delicacy. Decided to make murukku - making this for the first time. Nowadays to cook is very easy....we have instant powders, instant curry mix, instant sambal, instant I used the ready made Baba's Murukku Mix. Frankly one cannot follow the recipe instuctions given at the back cover of this packet. Actually my neighbour came over and helped me make this kind of her. So she came over with her murukku mould and imagine even with her help we took 1 1/2 hrs to complete making the about 50 murukkus. Can't imagine doing it alone. One person has to press the mould to make the murukku shapes while another has to fry the murukkus in oil till cooked.
Believe me it was worth the effort as the murukku turned out deliciously crispy and tasty!



  • 1 packet (500gms) Baba's Murukku mix
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds (dry roasted)
  • 1/2  tsp omum seeds (dry roasted)
  • a pinch of salt
  • coconut milk (1/2 coconut) - heated with 1 tbsp sugar until just warm + warm water = 380 ml
  • cooking oil to fry
  1. Sieve Baba's murukku mix flour, then add in cumin & omum seeds and a pinch of salt (the murukku flour mix is quite saltish).
  2. Rub the butter into the flour mix untull it resembles breadcrumbs.
  3. Slowly add the coconut milk and water mixture and mix (press it between your fingers and palm) till it becomes a dough (Do not knead as we do for chapati).
  4. Heat oil in the wok. (Tips: add a small ball of tamarind into the oil so that the murukku won't be oily). Use a slow flame because if the oil is too hot the murukku won't be cooked in the inside.
  5. Place some dough into the murukku mould and press making swirls on a piece of parchment paper.
  6. Place the murukku gently into the oil and cook till it turns golden brown. We must turn the murukku a few times during the frying process.
  7. Drain the murukku into kitchen towels and once cool store in airtight tins or bottles.