Wednesday 18 July 2012

My Home

My home ..... after a tired day I just love to relax around reading and watching TV programes with my husband and children. I feel that one has to keep their home neat and tidy, so that we will always feel a joy to be at home...especially after a hard day's work in the office. I love to relax around my home...actually I clean my house only once a week on Saturdays as I work five days a week. Spend most of my time watching TV or listening to the radio in my hall. One bad habit, not only me, my children as well, we love to have our meals in front of the TV. Only in the weekend, we have our meals...lunch & dinner at our dining. I do my cooking in my wet kitchen. My baking is done in my dry kitchen. Well asian cooking involves a lot of  frying and tumising (tumis in Malay language) so my kitchen gets quite oily even though I have a ventilator to suck out all the smoke etc. I usually cook a lot when my son and daughter comes back home from their university. They crave for home cooked meals so I usually dish up something special for them. Only my youngest 13 yr old is with, my hubby & mother-in-law.

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